Server Time: 8:11, April 23rd 2024 Server Status: Online Busy
Job Name Level
Noctifer 150
Geoh 150
LadyOdessa 150
IndoWinter 150
Hallucinatee 150

Daily Rewards

April 26, 2020, 3:30 a.m.
Login Rewards

Daily rewards have arrived!
You will receive a small reward to help you with your journey through Blue Land every day you login.
Rewards will change and will only stay for specific periods of time, watch out for special holiday rewards in the future!
Log in every day to get the special milestone rewards that change with every new reward track. Once you've finished the track it resets, meaning some rewards are repeatable~.

The reward system is not locked so you can get it on multiple accounts, for this reason all rewards are account bound.
All awarded items can be found in your Item Mall Warehouse as soon as you log in for the day.
Logging in is not time locked, it's date locked, meaning you can log in at any time of the day and don't have to adjust your schedule.

You can see your current progress by logging in and clicking Daily Rewards in the Member Panel.

If you find any bugs or issues please report them on our forums or discord.
We hope you enjoy this feature and have a happy play time!

~Celestia Luna Online