Server Time: 14:11, February 7th 2025 Server Status: Online Busy
Job Name Level
Geoh 150
LadyOdessa 150
IndoWinter 150
Mejiro 150
Hallucinatee 150

Patch 1.8.0 is here!

May 29, 2024, 9:45 a.m.
celestial battlegrounds

Patch 1.8.0 is here and it brings some long awaited updates!
A new set of Guild vs Guild maps called Celestial battlegrounds, intended to bring fun and fair play to PvP and guild wars, can be accessed through your map scroll.
Day version is a stat limited map, while Night is unlimited for all.
Equipped with a safe zone where you may take a break, a target filtering system that mitigates outside intervention, various NPCs to access your bank, a consumables vendor and a warp manager to take you back to the fight through a spawn of your choice.

We hope these maps and features bring a fresh breath to PvP and we will be enabling "delimited mode" on Zakandia until July 31st as a time limited event to celebrate.

Another time limited campaign for returning players is live!
Players who haven't logged in the last 6 months will receive a small bundle to catch up~
(Valid until June 30th)

character customization

A whole set of eye colors and multiple new faces have been added for all races/sexes!
With 62 eye color and face variations available to all in character creator and brand new faces in Premium Salon Coupon, you have access to 135 faces per character for fun color combinations~
All players who log in before June 30th will receive 2 Basic Salon Coupons for a makeover!

festival of rebirth

A new addition to our yearly event roster that is filled with activities for all levels, and enemies of multiple difficulties to benefit new and seasonal players!
Challengers that drop plenty of loot to fill your pockets, tokens to exchange for new costumes and accessories, treasure hunts every hour on low level maps and a mysterious Gold Bambooboo filled with colorful and powerful chicky costumes.
Event lasts until June 30th

Full Event Guide

Technical updates and maintenance are just as important.
This update we we bring modernized core code and a big hardware upgrade!
We moved to stronger and more robust infrastructure, giving better stability to our server overall.
We hope to keep providing updates of all sizes more reliably, so please stay tuned for more!