Server Time: 8:56, January 16th 2025 Server Status: Online Busy
Job Name Level
Geoh 150
LadyOdessa 150
IndoWinter 150
Mejiro 150
Hallucinatee 150

Patch 1.8.1

July 23, 2024, 5 a.m.
Patch 1.8.1

Patch 1.8.1 brings useful updates and 2 events back with more to look forward to. Read all patch notes here!

  • ✨ QOL updates on interface features, fishing and DD to make your journey easier.
  • ✂ 2 New premium hairstyles for both races and sexes are now available.
  • 🐺 New wolf companions for the Gem Store and new battle ready wings for PD.
  • 👗 Event costumes can now be mixed with premium or daily reward runes.
  • 🌺 Flora Festival is back with unique new additions including equipment.
  • 🚪 Multiverse Explorers return with a new quest and weapon.

Flora Festival

Flora Festival returns for the blooming of the Life Tree. Will you help the Fey defeat the corrupt plantis and their fake queen?
This year brings a new unique weapon and a rare shield as well as your very own plantis pets~
Head to Fairy Valley and pick up Mana Blossoms from any monster to turn in for blooming rewards or brew delicious Mana Tea!

Event ends on the 20th of August
Full Event Guide
Multiverse Explorers

The Multiverse Explorers are back in Blue Land to help with the slime world invasion~
Help them exterminate multiplying slimes and study the weird creatures and their behavior for fun rewards!
A new quest and weapon await those brave enough that delve deep into the Dark Forest to find the Slime King.

Event ends on the 20th of August
Full Event Guide