Server Time: 15:02, February 7th 2025 Server Status: Online Busy
Job Name Level
Geoh 150
LadyOdessa 150
IndoWinter 150
Mejiro 150
Hallucinatee 150

Merry Winter Tide!

Dec. 10, 2023, noon
Winter Tide

❄️ Winter Tide Celebrations

Grandfather Winter is once again visiting Blue Land and spreading joy and cheer all throughout, leaving presents and candy for all adventurers alike~

North Pole emissaries are awaiting in Alker Harbor with missives and quests for seasoned adventurers to take on the very dangerous permafrost invaders commanded by their cold & beautiful queen... It was heard they were trying to take over Blue Land from the port of Nera Harbor, spreading their ice with a bone chilling snow storm...

Collect all the event goodies with more than 7 costumes, 12 different pets that you can craft & a plethora of cute accessories and consumables!

Event ends on the 20th of January

Full Event Guide

🎄 A Warm Gift

What is that shiny box? Grandfather Winter left a present just for you! Check your Item Mall Warehouse when you log in during the event period for a joyful gift~

Another gift from us, Golden Daily Reward Tickets can now be exchanged for Costume Hat, Outfit & Feet runes that can be used on any Daily Reward costume! In addition, the next Daily Reward track has a Costume Glove Rune for you to look forward to!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year~